Schlagwort: Design for Interaction

Spin-Tactics: Augmented Reality Arena

Spintops are not just for kids! Get serious and beat each other in this Augmented-Reality-Game featuring your favourite toys from long ago.

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Future Shocks: Narrative Play for Tech and Society

Not only the technologies themselves but the narrations surrounding them, are what define our communal future. Get a grip on these mechanics by playing FUTURE SHOCKS!

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Bystanding / Konfrontarium: Watch and be watched

Ever needed help, but nobody moved? Face the bystander-effect in this interactive installation, that stares at you from behind.

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Kein Bett im Kornfeld: A Wargame for Communication Students

Simulation of a heated communication environment with conflicting stakeholders in the midst of a (not so) fictional environmental crisis: We play an extensive WARGAME with over 40 students of Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation, UdK Berlin

weiterlesen → The Chatbotification of Brands and the Love between them 🔐

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Ancient Bots for Social Media: Using the 36 Stratagems in Twitter Warfare 🔐

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Visualising Strategies with Procedural Generation

How can strategy be expressed beyond language? An algorithm combines strategic associations into an individual collage. In the end, the software does not provide graphs or coordinate systems but cultural portraits of specific strategies. (Universität der Künste, Berlin)

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