Purpose Prototyping

In the LudiX research project at HWR and HTW Berlin, we explored games in working environments. Our focus was on people transformation through daring tasks and playful elements.

Together with our Berlin partner companies (Soundcloud, Siemens, Cornelsen, Junge Tüftler, HABA, Enactus, u-Institut, STATE), we developed interventions for people development, so that they may act as catalyst for more engaging and playful corporate cultures.

A leading hypothesis: Changes in organizations are accompanied by the personal changes of the involved individuals. The ludic circle provides the safety and joy of experimentation that can enable these developments and thus trigger collective growth processes.

We presented Purpose Prototyping among others at the re:publica 2022.

You can find a chapter about Purpose Prototyping this the LudiX book:

You can find more information about LudiX and Purpose Prototyping here:
